作者/Author(s): Alex Vershinin 

網站來源/Source: Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies 

日期/Date: 03/18/2024 

關鍵字/Keywords: 軍事 

  • 消耗戰的重點是殲滅敵人及其復原力,同時保存自己的作戰實力。 
  • 一場消耗戰至少會持續兩年,主要分為兩個階段。
  1. 第一階段是戰爭初期,交戰雙方會達成某些決定性行動後陷入僵局。
  2. 在過渡時期,雙方都堅守自己的成果,沒有重大損失,同時在戰場後方建立戰力,訓練部隊。 
  3. 第二階段則是其中一方完成了新部隊訓練、耗盡敵方戰略儲備、建立火力和偵查優勢,以及敵方的生產後勤部隊惡化到無法補充戰場損失後才會開始。 ​​​​​​​
  • 在第二階段,一個國家應該在戰線前沿的不同位置持續攻擊敵人,減少自家損失,持續耗費敵人資源,直至其崩潰。 
  • 跨領域的系統整合定義了現代戰爭。
  • 現在科技的射程和瞄準能力也使砲兵火力更強大,換句話說積聚火力會比累積人力更容易和更有效。 
  • 訓練有素且經驗豐富的軍官能夠迅速制定戰鬥計劃,有效整合現代作戰系統。
  • 系統之間若缺乏協調,可能會導致損失和行動失敗。
  • 縱深火力可以打擊敵人的戰鬥復原能力,阻擋長期軍事力量的發展。因此,國家必須具備有效的分層防空和電子戰能力。
  • 前線與後勤部隊想要減少損失,防禦工事和偽裝就變得至關重要。
  • 防禦作戰可以讓基層作戰人員在不遭受重大損失的情況下積累經驗,並為未來的進攻積累能量。
  • 雖然西方軍事規劃者並不習慣以防守為中心的消耗戰,但他們必須具備戰略耐心,為未來的進攻行動累積實力。 
The Military Dimension 
  • An attritional war focuses on annihilating foes and their ability to regenerate warfighting capabilities while preserving one's own. 
  • An attritional war would last at least two years and be divided into two phases. 
  1. The first is the beginning of the war, during which belligerents achieve certain decisive actions and eventually reach a stalemate. 
  2. During the transitory period, both sides held on to their gains without significant losses while building up combat power or training forces behind the frontlines. 
  3. The second phase can start after one side has completed its training of newly mobilized forces, exhausted its enemy's strategic reserves, attained fire and reconnaissance superiority, and the enemy's production sector deteriorates until it cannot replace battlefield losses. 
  • In the second phase, a state should overwhelm the enemy at different points with shallow attacks. This will reduce losses while depleting the enemy's resources until it collapses. 
Modern War 
  • The incorporation of systems across different domains defines modern warfare.
  • Improved range and targeting ability also make artillery more dangerous, meaning it is easier and more efficient to amass firepower than manpower. 
  • Effective integration of systems requires well-trained and well-experienced officers because they must lay out battle plans quickly. 
  • The lack of coordination between systems would result in failed attacks and losses. 
Implications for Combat Operations 
  • Deep fires can target the enemy's ability to regenerate combat power, which may also hamper long-term military power. Therefore, a state must have effective layered air defenses and electronic warfare capabilities. 
  • Fortification and camouflage of all forces, including logistics, are important to reduce frontline losses.
  • Defensive operations allow lower-tier combatants to accumulate experience without suffering heavy losses and generate the abilities for future offensives. 
  • Although the defense-centric attritional war is counter-intuitive to Western military planners, they must have strategic patience to set the conditions for future offensive operations.