作者/Author(s): Seth G. Jones 

網站來源/Source: Wall Street Journal 

日期/Date: 1/1/2024 

關鍵字/Keywords: 美中關係、戰爭





  • 中共展現了強化和現代化軍事能力的決心,透過研究、開發和生產先進武器系統。許多人認為解放軍的擴張目標是與美國一爭高下 
  • 解放軍儲備的中程和遠程飛彈可以攻擊美國和盟國在印太地區的基地。解放軍還在持續建設綜合防空系統網路,以阻止美軍靠近 
  • 解放軍儲備的中程和遠程飛彈可以攻擊美國和盟國在印太地區的基地。解放軍還在持續建設綜合防空系統網路,以阻止美軍靠近 
  • 雖然烏克蘭和中東的衝突不斷,東亞地區的敵意日益增加,但美國仍維持和平時期的軍事生產,這對美國來說會是一個問題 
  • 由於國會拖延、供應鏈問題以及美國國防工業勞動力稀缺,美國在印太地區進行長期戰爭的彈藥嚴重不足 
  • 美國必須加油,但其私營部門在全球範圍內是最具創新能力的,在戰時振興國防工業方面有豐富記錄。因此,白宮可以重新建立國防振興計劃,監督美國的國防生產,減緩各機構之間的官僚衝突,突顯問題的迫切性。 
  • 美國國防部和國會應該分配額外資金和激勵措施,加強現代化設施,並建立靈活的生產能力。

Although the US and China resumed military dialogue after a long freeze, China continues to expand its military, which seems to be on par with wartime production. A world-class military is one of the key aspects of Xi's "great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation." 

Expansion of the PLA 

  • The CCP has shown dedication to strengthening and modernizing its military capability by researching, developing, and producing advanced weapons systems. Many believe the PLA's expansion aims at war with the US. 
  • The PLA stockpiled medium- and long-range missiles that can attack US and allies bases in the Indo-Pacific. The PLA is also building a network of integrated air defense systems to deny US forces nearby. 
  • THE PLA Navy is the biggest beneficiary of Chinese defense industrial growth. China's shipbuilding capacity is 230 times larger than the US. 
Warning to the US 
  • The US maintains peacetime military production despite conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East and growing hostilities in East Asia, which is a problem for the US. 
  • The US has a serious deficit of munitions for a long war in the Indo-Pacific due to congressional delays, supply-chain concerns, and workforce scarcity in the US defense industry. 
  • Although the US must pour in more effort, its private sector is the most innovative globally, with a proven record of reinvigorating its defense industry during wartime. Therefore, the White House can reestablish defense revitalization projects to supervise US defense production, mitigate bureaucratic clashes among its agencies, and show the imperativeness of the problem. 
  • The DoD and Congress should allocate additional funding and incentives to bolster and modernize its facilities and establish flexible production.