作者/Author(s): Hal Brands 

網站來源/Source: Foreign Policy 

日期/Date: 09/08/2023 

關鍵字/Keywords: Deterrence, Defense


許多觀察家和政策制定者警告說,在兩岸關係惡化、美台關係更加密切之後,中國可能會在 2027 年入侵台灣。在這三年的時間裡,美國及其合作夥伴在應對中國入侵台灣的嚇阻能力已經逐漸落後。 




  • 中共前幾任領導人在收復台灣問題上都很有耐心,而習近平則明顯跟他們不同。他命令解放軍在2027年之前為入侵台灣做好充分準備。 
  • 中國軍事實力的增強使其逐漸佔上風,削弱了任何反入侵的企圖,同時增加可用來脅迫台灣的選擇。因此,對於美國及其盟國來說,從中國手中拯救台灣變得十分困難。
  • 不過,習近平本人更傾向於使用非軍事手段統一台灣。目前,他已經使用了各種非戰爭的脅迫手段,但其策略並沒有奏效,而且台灣人越來越反對統一。在選擇變少的情況下,習近平可能會考慮使用戰爭手段來實現其統一野心。
  • 華府非常了解台灣的形勢緊迫。若真的以台灣為中心發生大國戰爭,所有相關各方都會遭受重大損失,全球經濟將面臨嚴重的危機,甚至可能引發核武升級。因此,關鍵問題是美國能否阻止美中在台灣問題上發生衝突。

Many observers and policymakers warned that China will invade Taiwan by 2027 after cross-strait relations dipped and the US fostered closer ties with Taiwan. With less than three years, the US and its partners are lagging in mounting credible deterrence against a Chinese invasion of Taiwan. 


Taiwan the Flashpoint 

  • Taiwan is critical in the technology supply chain, a symbol of democratic resistance against an authoritarian regime, and an unresolved legacy in the PRC's history. From a strategic viewpoint, Taiwan can be the US's chokepoint on China or a platform for China to expand its influence across the Asia-Pacific region.
  • While previous leaders were patient in reclaiming Taiwan, Xi Jinping is not. He ordered the PLA to prepare sufficiently for a Taiwan invasion by 2027.
  • China's increased military capabilities tilted the balance of military power in its favor, blunting any counter-invasion attempts and increasing its coercive options. Therefore, saving Taiwan from China became daunting for the US and its allies. 
  • Xi preferred to reunite Taiwan without resorting to military means. Although Xi used various coercive means short of war, his strategy did not work, especially when the Taiwanese rejected the idea of unification. With limited options left, Xi may consider brutal means to realize his unification ambition. 
  • Washington understands the urgency of Taiwan's situation. A great-power war over Taiwan would be catastrophic, with heavy losses to all involved parties, severe global economic perils, and a possible nuclear escalation. Thus, the critical question is whether the US can deter a US-China conflict over Taiwan.