FA: 令人跌破眼鏡的戰爭

作者:Phillips O’Brien
來源:Foreign Affairs
日期:Jul 27, 2023



  • 剛開始,專家們根據俄烏雙方的武器類型和數量來評估戰爭結果。在戰前,俄羅斯的火力數量和技術方面早已遠遠領先於烏克蘭。美國甚至認為俄羅斯在軍事能力上與美國不相上下。
  • 但是,這場戰爭粉碎了專家的評估:
    • 俄羅斯的裝備維護不善或因老舊而退化。
    • 俄羅斯軍隊沒有做好坦克戰的準備。
    • 俄羅斯未能有效地操作先進系統或協調其攻擊,進而失去了珍貴的尖端系統。
  • 雖然大多數專家強調了戰爭期間所使用的系統,但他們忽略了俄羅斯的後勤保障也是一大敗筆。
  • 專家們也忽略了彈藥補給能力和交戰雙方的經濟工業實力,這在戰爭中至關重要。因戰火綿延,俄羅斯和烏克蘭都已耗盡庫存,都得靠外部補充資源以維持其戰力。


  • 除了良好的後勤保障和強大的經濟實力,作戰人員的戰鬥技能和決心也是贏得戰爭的因素之一。
  • 雖然不清楚烏克蘭東部地區是否存在種族分裂,或俄羅斯軍隊的士氣有多高,但烏克蘭人都具備強烈決心要與侵略者作戰。
  • 烏克蘭人積極學習使用北約的先進系統,並將其融入自己的作戰行動中。
  • 烏克蘭的領導層願意將指揮權下放給下級官員,這與俄羅斯的僵化作戰形成強烈對比。
  • 烏克蘭的精神和作戰能力削弱了俄羅斯的戰力,成功占據了優勢。


  • 俄烏戰爭表明,許多鮮為人知的變數也可能會左右戰果。
  • 中美兩國必會為了潛在的台灣衝突打一場持久戰,而這將由兩國操作複雜軍事系統的能力和軍隊的果斷性決定。因此,在發起衝突前,雙方都需要謹慎評估與考慮大局。

When Russia began its Ukraine invasion, many experts predicted Russia would gain a swift victory, and Ukraine could not retaliate even with modern Western weapons. However, the current situation is otherwise. Russia suffered heavy losses, and Ukraine gradually regained its lost territories by fighting with determination and smart. The Russo-Ukraine War prompts experts to reevaluate warfare in general, especially in military structure, morale, and industrial base. Hopefully, experts can learn from the lessons of the war and evaluate the possible US-China war over Taiwan.

System and Shocks

  • Experts evaluated the war's outcome based on the type and quantity of Russia and Ukraine's weapons. Russia has a monumental lead over Ukraine regarding the amount and technology of firepower before the war. The US even regarded Russia as a peer in military capability.
  • However, the war shattered the experts' expectations:
    • Russia's equipment was badly maintained or degraded by corruption.
    • Its forces were unprepared for tank warfare.
    • Russia failed to operate advanced systems effectively or coordinate its attacks, losing prized systems.
  • While most experts emphasized the systems used during the war, they discounted logistics, which Russia also failed.
  • Experts also ignored ammunition replenishing capacity and warring parties' economic-industrial strength, which are crucial in the war. Both Russia and Ukraine depleted their inventory and relied mainly on external sources to sustain their effort.

The Human Factor

  • Besides good logistics and strong economies, the skill and determination of combatants are factors for winning a war.
  • Although it is unknown whether there are ethnic divisions in Eastern Ukraine or how high is the morale of Russian troops, Ukrainians have shown strong determination to fight the invaders.
  • Ukrainians are motivated to learn to use advanced NATO systems and integrate them into their operation.
  • Ukraine's leadership is comfortable decentralizing command to lower-level officials, contrasting with its rigid Russian counterpart.
  • As a result, Ukraine's dedication and talent impaired Russia's combat ability, allowing it to have the advantage.

Applying the Lessons

  • The Russo-Ukraine War shows that many less-explored variables could determine the outcomes of a war.
  • The US and China must fight a protracted war for the potential conflict over Taiwan, which will be decided by their ability to operate complex military systems and the resoluteness of their forces. Therefore, they should think carefully before heading into conflict.