FP: 把烏克蘭變成豪豬 (Part 2)

作者:Franz-Stefan Gady
來源:Foreign Policy
日期:May 22, 2023


  • 目前的戰爭顯示,陸戰、相互消耗、彈藥和有效防禦將決定結果。因此,烏克蘭必須通過儲備足夠的消耗性平台和採購陸戰系統,為長期的重新武裝做準備。
  • 就像在目前的俄烏戰爭一樣,烏克蘭需要火力,例如各種類型和範圍的防空系統,以打擊俄羅斯飛機進入其領空並減少空襲的損失。
  • 烏克蘭還需要制定全面的防空策略,例如西方戰鬥機中隊,可填補地面防禦漏洞,並支援地面部隊。
  • 烏克蘭必須提高聯合作戰的能力,並升級其戰鬥管理系統。
  • 克蘭必須投資現代化的情報、監視、目標捕獲及偵查等 ISTAR作戰管理系統,並提高其網路系統的穩定性。
  • 烏克蘭必須在其行動和理論中採用技術以提高戰鬥速度和準確性。
  • 烏克蘭可以在其境內外與盟友一起訓練部隊,熟練掌握聯合武器行動。


  • 西方軍隊可以利用烏克蘭人的經驗來改善其現代戰爭的作戰概念和理論。
  • 由於俄羅斯將重新武裝自己,美國和歐洲必須擴大其國防生產能力,並向國防承包商提供長期契約,以面對未來的攻擊,並保持對俄羅斯的技術優勢。
  • 西方也必須擴大訓練設施,容納大規模和複雜的軍事演習。
  • 西方國家應該研究這場戰爭,將其經驗教訓應用於他們的軍事訓練。

Arming a Ukraine for Future Conflicts

  • The current war shows land battles, mutual attrition, ammunition, and effective defense will decide the outcome. Therefore, Ukraine must prepare for long-term rearmament by stockpiling sufficient expendable platforms and procuring land battle systems.
  • Ukraine needs firepower, as in the current war. Ukraine needs air defenses of all types and ranges to deny Russian aircraft from entering its airspace and reduce the damage of air attacks.
  • Ukraine also requires a comprehensive air defense strategy consisting of Western fighter aircraft squadrons that can cover gaps in ground-based air defenses and support ground forces.
  • Ukraine must improve its ability to conduct combined arms operations and upgrade its battle management systems.
  • Ukraine must invest in modern battle management for its ISTAR operations and make its network system resilient.
  • Ukraine must adopt technologies in its operations and doctrines to improve fighting speed and accuracy.
  • Ukraine can train its forces inside and outside Ukraine with its allies to be proficient in combined arms operations.

What can the West do?

  • The Western military can use Ukrainians' experience to improve its warfighting concepts and doctrines for modern warfare.
  • As Russia will rearm itself, the US and Europe must expand their defense production capacity and offer long-term contracts to defense contractors to face future attacks and maintain a technological edge over Russia.
  • The West also must expand training facilities to accommodate large-scale and complex military exercises.
  • The West should examine the war to apply its lessons to their military training.