FP: Taiwan Needs Business Help to Harden Its Economy Against China

作者:Elisabeth Braw
作者:Elisabeth Braw
來源:Foreign Policy
日期:May 8, 2023


  • 去年4月,中國在蔡英文總統與眾議院議長麥卡錫會面時,對過境台灣海峽的貨船進行了軍事演習與檢查。北京透過行動警告世界,它可以隨時在台灣海峽搞破壞。
  • 北京的行動讓許多外國企業感到害怕。許多公司減少了與台灣之間的業務往來,或者契約上增加衝突風險條款
  • 台灣面臨中國灰色地帶野心和入侵威脅,但其經濟仍是堅韌的。跨國公司沒有驚慌失措或縮減在台灣的投資,而是透過設計業務連續性或員工疏散計劃來加強他們的業務復原力。
  • 台灣重點發展工業和服務業,這增強了台灣的經濟彈性,因為它可以依賴國外合作夥伴,將生產和服務轉移到國外。
  • 台灣可以向其他政府學習,特別是在台灣獲得越來越多的國際支持時。瑞典和芬蘭自冷戰以來就制定了經濟維持計劃,捷克共和國國防部為私營企業舉行國家安全演習。
  • 此外,不喜歡中國規範和價值觀的外國企業可以自願成為台灣的危機合作夥伴。
  • 私營企業可以向中國表明,中國對台灣的侵略行為將是無效的,進而減少北京對台灣的施壓欲望。
  • 台灣需要由西方企業組成,並得到他們政府的支持的經濟防禦聯盟。這與軍事支援同等重要。

Beijing's economic coercion on Taiwan can cause severe economic damage without much blowback to itself. Although corporates are concerned about disruptions and may leave Taiwan if a war happens, Taiwan can fortify its economy by partnering with Western companies.

  • Last April, China conducted military exercises with inspections on cargo ships transiting Taiwan Strait when President Tsai met with House Speaker McCarthy. Beijing's action warns the world that it can wreak havoc anytime it wants in the Taiwan Strait.
  • Beijing's actions instill fear in many foreign companies. Many companies reduced their supply from Taiwan or added conflict clauses to contracts.
  • Taiwan's economy is durable despite facing Chinese gray-zone aggression and invasion threats. Instead of panicking or retracting investment from Taiwan, foreign multinational companies strengthen their business resilience by devising business continuity or staff evacuation plans.
  • Taiwan's heavy concentration on industry and services boosts Taiwan's economic resilience because it can easily depend on foreign partners by shifting production and services offshore.
  • Taiwan can learn from other governments, especially when Taiwan is garnering increasing international support. Sweden and Finland have devised economic continuity plans since the Cold War, and the Czech Republic defense ministry runs national security exercises for private businesses.
  • Further, foreign companies that dislike Chinese norms and values can offer themselves to be Taiwanese crisis partners.
  • Private businesses can show China that aggression against Taiwan will be ineffective, thus reducing Beijing's appetite for coercion.
  • Taiwan needs an economic defense coalition formed by Western companies with support from their government. It is as important as military support.