FP: 中國海外影響力行動的長臂 (Part 1)

作者:Danielle Pletka
來源:Foreign Policy
日期:Apr 27, 2023



  • 在美國至少有600個中國影響組織,被冠以移民的家鄉聯誼會、救助中心、商會、中文媒體品牌、為中國專業人士設立的協會、促進與台灣「和平統一」的協會、友誼組織、及其它教育或文化組織。
  • 這些組織在發揮其作用的同時,也會執行北京政府要求的其他任務,如商業間諜活動、恐嚇中國異議人士、招募人才到中國關鍵行業工作。
  • 中國國家媒體,從廣播、印刷品、電視和其他方面,都存在於世界各地。它們最初的作用是傳達中國觀點,促進更好的對華外交和經濟政策,並在各地塑造北京的正面形象。他們必須與反對派媒體競爭,傳播宣傳,獲得新的廣播渠道,或控制其他非中國共產黨的中文媒體。
  • 中國的文化促進也存在問題,孔子學院就是一個最好的例子。美國政府發現孔子學院會干預學術自由、試圖施加政治影響和其他可疑的做法後,就下令美國各大學應該要取消孔子學院計畫。然而,中共在背後提供了大量資金,要求一些美國大學將孔子學院改頭換面,換湯不換藥的繼續運作。除此之外,美國公立學校中也有中共贊助的中文課程。
  • 中共正在努力慢慢建立其軟實力和影響力。
The US accused China of conducting overseas policing operations on US grounds. Chinese police outposts are also present in other countries, tasked with intelligence gathering, capturing dissidents, and arranging protests against the opposition. Besides overseas police stations, the CCP has various instruments of influence and espionage operations, such as spy balloons, TikTok, and Chinese soft power programs.

The roles of CCP influence organizations

  • There are at least 600 Chinese influence organizations in the US branded as hometown associations for immigrants, aid centers, chambers of commerce, Chinese language media brands, associations for Chinese professionals, associations for promoting "peaceful reunification" with Taiwan, friendship organizations, and other education or cultural organizations.
  • While these organizations performed their roles, they also conducted other tasks demanded by the Beijing government, such as commercial spying, intimidating Chinese dissidents, and recruiting talents to work in critical Chinese industries.
  • Chinese state-affiliated media, from radio, print, TV, and others, is present worldwide. Their original role is to disseminate views from China, promote a better foreign and economic policy towards China, and shape a positive image of Beijing to the locals. They must compete with opposition media, spread propaganda, gain new broadcast channels, or control other non-PRC Chinese press.
  • There are issues with Chinese cultural promotion, with a prominent example of the Confucius Institute (CI). The US government ordered their universities to expel CI after discovering that CI interfered with academic freedom, attempted to exercise political influence, and other dubious practices. Yet, some universities rebranded CI and allowed it to continue operations because it offered substantial funding. There are also CCP-sponsored Mandarin language classes in public schools.
  • CCP's effort shows it is slowly building its soft power and influence.