FP: 烏克蘭的軍事醫學是一個關鍵優勢 

作者/Author(s): Tanisha M. Fazal 

原文來源/Source: Foreign Policy 

日期/Date: 10/31/2022 

關鍵字/Keywords: Military, Support 


軍事醫學在烏克蘭對抗俄羅斯的軍事效力中發揮了重要作用。改善戰地衛生、疏散和保護對於挽救生命和戰力保存至關重要。烏克蘭的軍事醫學能力更好,並且在戰術戰鬥傷患救護 (TCCC) (Tactical Combat Casualty Care)方面訓練有素。 2014 年克里米亞半島危機以後,他們也持續在這方面做準備。此外,西方向烏克蘭提供了重要的醫療用品和建議。相比之下,俄羅斯的醫療培訓、物資和人員不足,導致士氣低落和逃兵事件不斷發生。 

  • 挽救更多生命並讓戰鬥人員更快地重返崗位可以有效保持戰備狀態
  • ​​​​​​立即治療受傷的部隊並將他們送回部隊,而不只依靠新人,這可以培養密切的關係,並保持部隊的凝聚力
  • 通過向戰鬥人員保證他們在戰事期間會得到良好的醫療服務來提高部隊的士氣,提高他們的戰鬥意志和冒險精神 
  • 美國在最近戰爭中的經驗使他們能夠創建外傷登記處、制定 TCCC 等醫療指南並能夠隨機應變制定醫療程序 
  • 雖然蘇聯在1939年的冬季戰爭中擊敗了芬蘭,但芬蘭憑藉醫療優勢推遲了蘇聯的勝利。證明了醫療的重要性,特別是在與兵力相對強大的國家作戰時。 
  • 美國經驗多為反叛亂,而俄烏戰爭更像是一場常規戰爭,造成的傷害也不一樣 
  • 從技術上講,空中撤離對俄羅斯和烏克蘭來說都是不可能的,但烏克蘭在其領土內作戰,可以提供更好的後勤保障,從而增加生存機率 
  • 俄羅斯和烏克蘭都沒有提供準確的傷亡數字來維持軍民士氣。但北約或西方國家的情報部門給出了較準確的估算 
  • 然而,雙方都報告了敵人的傷亡情況,作為資訊戰的一部分 
  • 由於俄羅斯違反國際法將醫院和醫療後送鐵路線作為攻擊目標,烏克蘭很可能遭受更大的損失 

Military medicine played a significant role in Ukraine’s military effectiveness against Russia. Improved field sanitation, evacuation, and protection are crucial in saving lives and preserving combat strength. Ukraine has better military medicine and is well-trained in Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC). They had also prepared since the invasion of Crimea in 2014. Further, the West provided Ukraine with critical medical supplies and advice. In contrast, Russia has inadequate medical training, supplies, and staff, resulting in low morale and desertion. 

The importance of better military medicine: 

  • Preserve combat readiness by saving more lives and allowing combatants to return to duty faster. 
  • Maintain unit cohesion by treating injured troops immediately and returning them to their units to cultivate close relations without relying on newcomers. 
  • Increase troop morale by assuring the combatants that they will receive good medical care during war, improving their will to fight and take risks. 
  • U.S.’s experience in recent wars allowed them to create a trauma registry, develop medical guidelines such as TCCC, and improvise medical procedures. 
  • Although the Soviet Union defeated Finland in the 1939 Winter War, Finland delayed the Soviet victory with a medical advantage. It proves the significance of medical care, especially when going against an enemy with a larger force. 
Differences between the Russo-Ukraine War from the U.S. experience 
  • The U.S. fought counterinsurgencies, while the Russo-Ukraine War was more like a conventional war, resulting in different injuries. 
  • Air evacuation is technically impossible for both Russia and Ukraine, but Ukraine is fighting within its territory, allowing better logistics, thus increasing survival odds. 

The politics of reporting casualty numbers 
  • Neither Russia nor Ukraine provided accurate casualty numbers to maintain military and civilian morale. Instead, NATO or Western intelligence gave the best estimates. 
  • However, both reported their enemy’s casualties as part of information warfare. 
  • Ukraine most likely suffered higher losses due to Russia’s violation of international law by targeting hospitals and medical evacuation rail lines.