Bloomberg: 台灣戰爭的經濟混亂將影響半導體產業

作者/Author(s): Hal Brands
原文來源/Source: Bloomberg 彭博新聞社
日期/Date: 06/24/2022
主題/Key Topics : Economy
- 解放軍在絕對數量上以巨大的規模超過了台灣的防禦能力,使中國獲得了軍事優勢。
- 習近平實現「和平」統一的機會正在迅速消失,因為台灣人不再渴望根據北京的條件實現統一。
- 中國還面臨阻礙長期增長的人口和經濟問題。
- 如果和平手段失敗,不滿的大國傾向於使用武力來確保其國家目標。
- 如果美國和日本干預,這將是三個最大經濟體的鬥爭。
- 它將威脅到關鍵的海上航線,從而危及這個經濟最活躍的地區。
- 無論是作為政策選擇還是戰爭的結果,美國和中國都將加速經濟脫鉤。
- 美國及其最親密的盟友可能會制裁中國的能源、金融和貿易。
- 直接軍事對抗、資訊戰和顛覆政權行動的可能性更高。
- 中國的經濟狀況將比美國更糟,但世界將經歷技術供應鏈的重大破壞,因為台灣生產世界上大多數先進的半導體。
- 如果中國控制了台灣的半導體產業,它將在數字霸權上取代美國。
- 如果台灣的半導體產業遭到破壞,由於製造和運輸的大規模中斷,全球經濟將出現緊急情況。
- 美國正試圖將先進的半導體產業轉移到美國,但它尚未作出重大貢獻。
- 如果美國及其盟友未能阻止中國的入侵,他們可能需要評估財務、人力和戰略成本。
Apart from strategic significance and shared democratic values with the US, Taiwan has an integral role in the global semiconductor supply chain. Therefore, China’s invasion of Taiwan will cause a global economic shock that outweighs the Russo-Ukraine War, prompting the US to rush to Taiwan’s defense.
Apart from strategic significance and shared democratic values with the US, Taiwan has an integral role in the global semiconductor supply chain. Therefore, China’s invasion of Taiwan will cause a global economic shock that outweighs the Russo-Ukraine War, prompting the US to rush to Taiwan’s defense.
An imminent forced reunification?
- PLA outgunned Taiwan’s defensive ability by an enormous scale in absolute numbers, giving China a military advantage.
- Xi’s chance for “peaceful” reunification is fading fast since the Taiwanese no longer yearn for reunification based on Beijing’s conditions.
- China also faces demographic and economic problems which hamper long-term growth.
- Dissatisfied powers are prone to use force to secure their national objectives if peaceful means fail.
The Consequences of War at Taiwan Strait:
- If the US and Japan intervened, it would be a fight involving the three largest economies.
- It will jeopardize the most economically dynamic region by threatening crucial sea lanes.
- The US and China will accelerate economic decoupling either as a policy option or a consequence of the war.
- The US and its closest allies may sanction China’s energy, finances, and trade.
- A higher probability of direct military confrontation, cyber warfare, and subversion campaigns.
- China will fare worse economically than the US, but the world will experience significant disruption in the technological supply chain since Taiwan manufactures most of the world’s advanced semiconductors.
- If China controls Taiwan’s semiconductor industry, it will supersede the US in digital supremacy.
- If Taiwan’s semiconductor industry is destroyed, a global economic emergency will occur due to massive disruption in manufacturing and shipment.
- The US is attempting to move the advanced semiconductor industry to the US, but it has yet to contribute significantly.
- The US and its allies may need to evaluate the financial, human, and strategic costs if they fail to prevent China’s invasion.