作者/Author(s): Andrew Erickson and Gabriel Collins
原文來源/Source: War on The Rocks (Texas National Security Review)
主題/Key Topics: Defense
- 彈道飛彈防禦(BMD):增強 BMD 的覆蓋範圍、機動性和防禦工事,以降低解放軍的成功率、造成更高的成本並耗盡其彈藥。雷達干擾器可用於干擾中國的飛彈導引系統,使其不準確。
- 防空:與上述一樣,台灣可以選擇移動或固定防空電池,而不是奢侈的戰鬥機。台灣可以儲備可攜式防空飛彈,而這已被證明有助於烏克蘭的抵抗。
- 水雷戰:加快採購和部署水雷,以阻止解放軍海軍在台灣海峽的行動。台灣還可以在可能的突破點立即部署淺水水雷。
- 海上反擊火力:擴大巡航飛彈之儲備以摧毀中國的海軍支援基礎設施和艦船。增加和現代化海防設備,以阻止解放軍進入台灣港口。
- 海岸反擊火力:積累低成本精確導引彈藥,將台灣海岸變成誘殺陷阱。美國可以考慮外包某些軍事技術,以加強台灣的國防並補充其庫存。
- 干擾、誘餌和欺騙:使用充氣誘餌、偽裝和乾擾器來混淆中國的戰爭計劃。
- 民防和城市戰:增加反裝甲武器、輕型突擊步槍、狙擊步槍和彈藥的庫存。美國可以提供狙擊手培訓並傳授簡易爆炸裝置製造和部署方面的知識。
Ballistic missile defense (BMD): Enhance the coverage, maneuverability, and fortification of BMDs to decrease PLA’s success rate, inflict higher cost, and exhaust its ammunitions. Radar jammers can be used to interfere with the Chinese missile guidance system, rendering it inaccurate.
Air Defense: Like the above, Taiwan can opt for mobile or stationary anti-air batteries instead of extravagant fighter jets. Taiwan can stockpile man-portable air-defense systems, which had proven helpful in the Ukrainian resistance.
Mine Warfare: Hasten the procurement and deployment of sea mines to deny the PLA Navy’s movement in the Taiwan Strait. Taiwan can also obtain shallow-water mines that can be deployed instantly at possible breaching points.
Sea-Denial Fires: Expand cruise missile reserves to destroy China’s naval support infrastructure and ships. Increase and modernize coastal defense equipment to stop PLA from reaching Taiwanese ports.
Shore-Denial Fires: Accumulate low-cost precision-guided munitions to turn Taiwan’s shore into a booby trap. The US can consider outsourcing certain military technology to bolster Taiwan’s defense and restock its inventory.
Jamming, Decoys, and Deception: Using inflatable decoys, disguises, and jammers to confuse Chinese war plans.
Civil Defense and Urban Warfare: Increase the stock of anti-armor armaments, lightweight assault rifles, sniper rifles, and ammunitions. The US can provide sniper training and transfer knowledge of IED manufacturing and deployment.
Life-Essential Infrastructure: Store and diversify fuel, medicine, electricity, food, and water supplies. Fortify and disperse supply storage.
*Please see the original article for detailed descriptions of the eight lessons.