
作者/Author(s): Charles Edel
原文來源/Source: 戰略與國際研究中心 Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
日期/Date: 05/19/2022
主題/Key Topics: Grand Strategy
- 準備一份詳細的報復性制裁清單,其中包括經濟目標、嚴重程度排名和針對中國的協調方法,以使制裁效果最大化。
- 通過發布有關北京行動的關鍵情報來反擊中國的假訊息,以揭露其意圖並警告受影響的國家。
- 將更多的外國軍事融資(Foreign Military Financing-FMF)導向印太地區,以重新平衡印太國家與中國之間的規模和技術。
- 支持邊疆國家建設本土軍事能力以對抗中國,以增強其對入侵的抵抗力,並讓其侵略者付出高昂的代價。
- 加強和支持主要盟國的軍事投射能力,以加強美國在印太地區的存在。
- 立即在美國及其親密盟友之間籌集資金和匯集資源,以加強合作並創建類似北約的框架。
- 減少在親密和值得信賴的盟友之間轉移敏感技術的障礙,以支持這些盟友。
Indo-Pacific countries have diverged responses to Russia's invasion of Ukraine due to varied interests between the US and Russia. The same dilemma can be applied to China's expansionism, notably when Beijing is willing to use diplomatic and economic coercion. The US can mitigate a crisis in Asia by creating a playbook with the features below and coordinating it with Indo-Pacific countries to deter China.
Indo-Pacific countries have diverged responses to Russia's invasion of Ukraine due to varied interests between the US and Russia. The same dilemma can be applied to China's expansionism, notably when Beijing is willing to use diplomatic and economic coercion. The US can mitigate a crisis in Asia by creating a playbook with the features below and coordinating it with Indo-Pacific countries to deter China.
- Prepare a detailed list of retaliatory sanctions with economic targets, severity ranking, and coordinating methods against China to maximize the effect of sanctions.
- Counter Chinese disinformation by releasing critical intelligence on Beijing's actions to expose its intentions and warn affected countries.
- Direct more Foreign Military Financing (FMF) to the Indo-Pacific region to rebalance the scale and technology of Indo-Pacific countries against China.
- Support frontier states' efforts to build indigenous military capability against China to increase their resistance to invasions and inflict a high cost on their aggressors.
- Reinforce and support key allies' military projection ability to strengthen US's presence in the Indo-Pacific region.
- Collect funds and pool resources among the US and its closes allies immediately to increase cooperation and create a NATO-like framework.
- Reduce the barriers to transferring sensitive technology among close and trusted allies to enable these allies.