作者/Author(s): P. W. Singer and Emerson T. Brooking 

網站來源/Source: Foreign Affairs 

日期/Date: December 5, 2023 

關鍵字/Keywords: Information Warfare 


  • 交戰方會部署虛假資訊,開展有針對性的活動,把網路上與此戰爭相關的貼文風向帶往有利於自己的方向。其最終目的是要削弱甚至致使對手對此衝突或戰爭的說法完全失效。 
  • 哈馬斯成功地破壞了以色列國防軍保護其人民和領土的信譽
  • 以色列在反擊哈馬斯時困難重重,因為哈馬斯擁有先發優勢,他們甚至自豪地記錄自己的行動,在網路上分享許多影片 
  • 哈馬斯還操縱了國際社會對巴勒斯坦人民的強烈同情。哈瑪斯將軍事資產混入難民營和重要的民用基礎設施裡面。當以色列摧毀哈馬斯的資產時,也造成了巴勒斯坦平民的死亡,激起了國際社會對以色列國防軍的憤怒。
  • 因此,以色列試圖弱化哈馬斯戰士與巴勒斯坦平民之間的區別,同時試圖證明哈馬斯與平民和援助人員之間真的有互相幫忙協調的可能性 
  • 數位技術在戰爭初期為非國家行為者帶來了不對稱優勢。然而,各國最終都會有新的反擊方式 
  • 以色列之前忽視了網路言論,其最親密的盟友美國不得不出面施加壓力。作為回應,以色列開始在資訊戰中發展自己的反擊戰略
  • 以色列利用其常規軍事優勢和龐大的組織網路將哈馬斯從網路空間封鎖。  
  • 雖然封鎖策略並沒有讓批評者,尤其是巴勒斯坦以外的批評者閉嘴,但它破壞了來自戰場的可靠資訊和第一手資料的持續流動。以色列可以藉此控制網路言論的風向,不讓哈馬斯對以色列的說法提出異議。
  • 然而,網路封鎖可能會加劇恐懼,不知情的平民也可能誤入衝突地區,造成不利影響 
  • 以色列政府利用其國家行為者的身份,通過法律和政治運動向社交媒體運營商施壓,要求其刪除與戰爭有關的內容 
  • 哈馬斯-以色列資訊戰的主要教訓是,病毒式傳播可以掩蓋真相。因此,它對現代戰爭的打法和勝負越來越重要 
Information Tactics 
  • Combatants have used targeted influence campaigns by deploying disinformation to shift the battle of narratives in their favor. The final goal is to weaken or nullify the opponent's claims about the conflict. 
  • Hamas succeeded in undermining the IDF's credibility in protecting its people and defending its territory. 
  • Israel has difficulties in countering Hamas because Hamas has a first-mover advantage by documenting its actions proudly and sharing many of its videos. 
  • Hamas also manipulated strong sympathies for the Palestinian people and blended military assets in refugee camps and critical civilian infrastructure. When Israel destroys Hamas's assets, it also contributes to Palestinian civilian deaths, fueling international anger at the IDF. 
  • As a result, Israel tries to soften the distinction between Hamas fighters and Palestinian civilians or prove Hamas's coordination with civilians and aid workers. 
Taking the Fight Offline 
  • Digital technologies give non-state actors an asymmetric advantage at the beginning of the war. However, states eventually have new ways to fight back. 
  • Israel previously ignored online discourses, which led to pressure from its closest ally, the US. In response, Israel started to develop its counterstrategies in information warfare. 
  • Israel used its conventional military superiority and vast organizational network to blackout Hamas from cyberspace.
  • Although the blackout tactic did not silence critics, especially those outside Palestine, it disrupted a consistent flow of reliable information and firsthand accounts from the battleground. It also allows Israel to control the focus of the online discourse while blocking Hamas from disputing Israel's claims. 
  • However, internet blackouts may adversely affect civilians by elevating fears or leading civilians into conflict zones. 
  • The Israeli government used its capacity as a state actor to use legal and political campaigns to pressure social media operators to remove war-related content. 
The Future of War 
  • The key lesson from Hamas-Israel information warfare is virality can outmaneuver the truth. Therefore, it is becoming important to how modern warfare is fought and won.