FP: 美國對烏克蘭的支持有助於捍衛台灣的4種面相

作者:Gabriel Schelnmann
來源:Foreign Policy
日期:May 24, 2023



  • 美國增加了國防預算,以替換其提供給烏克蘭的裝備和彈藥。
  • 日本、台灣、韓國、菲律賓和澳洲等亞洲盟友也增加了防衛開支,並努力學習更好地保衛自己。


  • 美國購置了更先進的長程系統,例如HIMARS和GMLRS,這有益於台灣的防衛。
  • 關鍵彈藥的防禦生產在幾年的時間內快速增加。
  • 雖然目前存有通貨膨脹的情況,美國政府多年配合簽約的美國國防製造商成功壓低了生產成本,並加快採購。


  • 美國對烏克蘭的援助暴露了美國國防生產線的脆弱性。因此,美國和歐洲的國防公司重啟甚至增加了關鍵彈藥的生產線。
  • 雖然他們重新開放生產線以向烏克蘭補充彈藥,但這種生產也擴大到了其他非烏克蘭項目。
  • 美國認為,美國國防生產的恢復將是長期軍事交戰中,有效威懾中國的關鍵。


  • 「總統撥款權」(Presidential Drawdown Authority)准許美國總統從美國現有庫存中向外國提供軍事裝備、服務和培訓。
  • 拜登利用PDA權限,迅速向烏克蘭提供武器,並使用國防預算來補充或更新他們的庫存。
  • 美國國會也批准了向台灣提供物資支援的授權。



Despite criticisms from US policymakers, US military aid to Ukraine enables the Pacific's security and Taiwan's defense. The Russo-Ukrainian War is a geopolitical hindrance for China, deterring Beijing's plan to reunify Taiwan forcefully. The US and its allies obtained valuable lessons from the war in preparing for the next great war and improving their defense capacity.


The war boosted the US and its Asian allies' military spending.

  • The US increased its defense budget to replace the equipment and ammunition it provided to Ukraine.
  • Asian allies such as Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, the Philippines, and Australia also increased their defense spending and are learning to defend themselves better.

The war encouraged the US to expand and modernize its forces.

  • The US procured more advanced long-range systems, such as HIMARS and GMLRS, that benefit Taiwan's defense.
  • The defense production for key ammunition increased their defense production over the few years.
  • Despite current inflation, US defense manufacturers that obtained the government's multiyear contract drove down costs and accelerated purchases.

The war revived US dormant defense industry after years of military restraint.

  • US aid to Ukraine exposed the weakness of the US defense production line. Therefore, the US and European defense companies revived and added the production lines for key ammunition.
  • Although they reopened the production line to refill the ammunition sent to Ukraine, the production is expanded to other non-Ukraine programs.
  • The US believes the revival of US defense production will be an effective deterrence against China in a long-term military engagement.

Biden's Presidential Drawdown Authority (PDA) to send armaments to Ukraine is extended to Taiwan.

  • The PDA allows the president to provide military equipment, services, and training to foreign countries from existing US inventory.
  • Biden enforces the PDA to supply arms to Ukraine quickly and use the defense budget to replenish or modernize their stocks.
  • The US Congress also approved the PDA for Taiwan to provide material support.

Despite moving slowly, the US's current policies are the best option for the US and its allies to maintain peace and stability in Asia.