Yahoo Finance: 中國放棄對俄羅斯的投資,對普京是個打擊


作者/Author(s): Louis Ashworth 

原文來源/Source: Yahoo Finance 

日期/Date: 07/25/2022 

主題/Key Topics: BRI, Infrastructure 


自2013年以來,「一帶一路」倡議擴大了中國在全球—尤其是發展中國家—的影響力。然而,自2017年以來,由於資本管制、圍繞各種項目的爭議以及北京政府試圖防止迫在眉睫的金融危機,中國在BRI上的支出有所下降。COVID-19 的大流行和俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭使情況更加惡化。COVID-19導致中國各地封鎖,全球發展中的BRI接受國經濟放緩,各國無法償還或被迫拖欠BRI債務。俄羅斯是「一帶一路」能源支出的第二大受益者,後因入侵烏克蘭而受到制裁。儘管北京政府宣布其與俄羅斯保持堅定的友誼,但中國企業退出了與俄羅斯的聯繫以避免二次制裁。在當前國際秩序混亂的情況下,「一帶一路」可能會繼續放緩」。 

Since 2013, the BRI has expanded China’s influence worldwide, especially in developing countries. However, China’s spending on the BRI has fallen since 2017 due to capital controls, controversies surrounding various projects, and a looming financial crisis that the Beijing government is trying to prevent. This is worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The COVID-19 resulted in lockdowns across China and an economic slowdown in developing BRI recipients globally in which countries could not repay or were forced to default on their BRI debts. Russia, the second largest beneficiary of energy spending in BRI, was sanctioned due to its invasion of Ukraine. Although the Beijing government declared unwavering friendship with Russia, Chinese businesses withdrew from associating themselves with Russia to avoid secondary sanctions. With the chaos in the current international order, BRI will likely continue to slow down.