The Diplomat: 中國從烏克蘭戰爭中得到的真正收穫:灰色地帶的衝突是最好的
Most literature on China’s lesson from the Russo-Ukraine War deals with scenarios of a full-scale invasion. However, the authors explore China’s salami-slicing and grey-zone tactics, which may prove more effective than conventional forces.
Russia: From grey-zone to conventional
作者/Author(s): Tobias Burgers and Scott N. Romaniuk
原文來源/Source: The Diplomat
日期/Date: October 6, 2022
主題/Key Topics : Grey-zone Warfare, Military
大多數關於中國從俄烏戰爭中吸取教訓的文獻都涉及全面入侵的情景。然而,作者探討中國的「切香腸」和灰色地帶戰術,(https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2021-08-12/u-s-copies-china-s-salami-slicing-to-defend-taiwan ) 這可能比常規部隊更有效。
- 普丁在2014年吞併克里米亞期間使用了特種部隊和灰色地帶戰術,使他能夠在政治上控制克里米亞。
- 儘管西方對俄羅斯的行為進行了懲罰,但僅限於溫和的經濟、政治和外交制裁。
- 西方國家對俄羅斯2022年入侵烏克蘭的行為進行了嚴厲的報復,並向烏克蘭提供了軍事援助。以下是這場戰爭的寶貴經驗,顯示了常規戰爭的局限性:
- 常規的軍事行動更容易失敗,可能無法實現行動的目的。
- 軍事侵略會對政治和經濟成長產生負面影響,尤其是在發生平民傷亡的情況下。
- 入侵烏克蘭表明了戰略上的失敗,在政治上也是不成功的。
- 中國不斷透過灰色地帶戰爭挑戰台灣,越來越多地侵入台灣的非軍事區,越過台灣海峽的中間線,限制台灣的國際參與,以及不斷對台灣施加的經濟壓力。
- 儘管中國願意利用常規力量最大限度地發揮其影響力,但其可能會繼續實施灰色地帶和切香腸戰術,直到它能夠建立事實上的軍事和政治權威。
- 然而,對台灣使用常規行動的可能性不大:儘管中國擁有軍事優勢,但仍無法控制和主導台灣。在台灣表現出更強的自衛決心後,中國能否在軍事上控制台灣值得懷疑。
- 台灣的朋友—美國和日本,會對中國在台灣海峽的灰色地帶行動進行了報復。
- 入侵烏克蘭表明了戰略上的失敗,在政治上也是不成功的。
- 中國將阻礙台灣的國際政治和經濟參與。
- 中國將通過封鎖來限制台灣的空中和海上交通線,以控制空中和海上空間。
- 然而
- 台灣和它的伙伴將試圖打破中國的封鎖。
- 從長遠來看,中國若實施經濟反制裁也會損害其經濟。
- 入侵烏克蘭表明了戰略上的失敗,在政治上也是不成功的。
Most literature on China’s lesson from the Russo-Ukraine War deals with scenarios of a full-scale invasion. However, the authors explore China’s salami-slicing and grey-zone tactics, which may prove more effective than conventional forces.
Russia: From grey-zone to conventional
- Putin used special forces and grey-zone tactics during the 2014 Annexation of Crimea, allowing him to control Crimea politically.
- Although the West punished Russia for its actions, it was limited to mild economic, political, and diplomatic sanctions.
- The West retaliated with severe punishment on Russia for the 2022 invasion of Ukraine and provided military assistance for Ukraine. The following are the valuable lessons from the war that shows the limitations of conventional warfare:
- Conventional military operations are more likely to fail and may not achieve the operation’s aim.
- Military aggression negatively affects political and economic aspiration, especially if civilian casualties happen.
- The invasion of Ukraine indicates strategic failure and is politically unsuccessful.
China: Maintaining grey-zone tactics
- China constantly challenged Taiwan in grey-zone warfare with increasing incursions into Taiwan’s ADIZ, crossing Taiwan Strait’s median line, restricting Taiwan’s international participation, and growing economic pressure against Taiwan.
- Although China was willing to use conventional forces to maximize its influence, China will likely continue the grey zone and salami-slicing tactics until it can institute a de facto military and political authority.
- However, using conventional operations against Taiwan is unlikely:
- China still does not have control and supremacy over it despite its military advantage. It is doubtful whether China can control Taiwan militarily after Taiwan showed increased determination for self-defense.
- Taiwan’s partners, the US and Japan, retaliated against China’s grey zone actions in the Taiwan Strait.
The options for grey-zone escalation
- China will hinder Taiwan’s international political and economic participation.
- China will limit Taiwan’s air and sea lines of communication through blockades to control air and sea space.
- However
- Taiwan and its partners will attempt to break down China’s blockades.
- China is prone to counterblockades that harm its economy in the long term.
- China’s international reputation will deteriorate, which may draw the public’s ire.