作者/Author(s): Scott Pence 

網站來源/Source: Center for Strategic and International Studies 

日期/Date: 12/06/2024 

關鍵字/Keywords: 軍事、超級大國、弱勢

許多美國民眾與決策者都擁護保護台灣的必要性。雖然美國是超級大國,但如果美中交戰,美國需在靠近中國的區域或海上作戰,戰況相對劣勢。考慮到目前解放軍的能力,美國及夥伴國家很難突破中國的 反介入/區域拒止」(A2/AD)系統,抵達台灣周邊因此,美國應不要使用他們在最近衝突中曾用過的主導策略,而是運用弱勢者工具來應對台海危機 
  • 弱勢者(underdog)指的是在不利條件下,承擔風險並大膽嘗試取勝的較弱一方 
  • 部分弱勢但卻贏得戰爭的國家採取過這三個方法:創新利用現有資源(NURAT)、欺敵戰術以及避開敵方的優勢。弱勢者策略能為對手製造多重困境,同時節約有限資源 
  • 建議 
創新利用現有資源(NURAT) :
  1. 取得新的太空與網路能力,防止指揮與控制系統遭受干擾。使用空中與海上無人機,減少人員傷亡,將戰鬥成功率最大化 
  1. 美國必須與印太盟友協調,運用創新技術,打擊中國弱點,讓其措手不及 
  1. 美國應避免挑戰中國在電子戰、反艦和防空領域的主導能力 
  2. 美國可部署一次性無人機,打破中國的海上封鎖
  3. 美國可威脅中國的海外港口,限制解放軍的遠程投送能力 
  • 美國必須了解對抗中國時,主導策略的侷限性及自身相對優勢。在台海危機中,採用弱勢者策略可能更為有效 
The US public and policymakers support the need to protect Taiwan. Although the US remains a superpower, it will need to fight China near its proximity and from the sea, which puts it at a relative disadvantage. Given the current PLA's capabilities, the US and its partner countries will have problems breaking through Chinese A2/AD systems to get to Taiwan. Therefore, the US should avoid the strategy of dominance that it employed in recent conflicts and use the tools of the underdog in a Taiwan contingency. 
  • An underdog is a weaker side that accepts risks and boldly tries to win despite an unfavorable condition. 
  • Some underdogs prevailed in the war using three tactics: novel use of readily available things (NURAT), deception, and avoiding enemy strengths. An underdog strategy creates several dilemmas for adversaries while conserving limited resources. 
  • Recommendations: 
  1. Acquiring new space and cyber capacities to prevent command and control disruption and using aerial and sea drones to reduce casualties while maximizing combat successes. 
  1. The US must coordinate with Indo-Pacific allies and apply creative techniques to catch China off-guard and exploit its vulnerabilities. 
Avoid adversaries' strengths 
  1. The US should avoid China's dominant capabilities such as electronic warfare, anti-ship and anti-air defenses.  
  2. The US can deploy disposable drones to break China's naval blockade. 
  3. The US can threaten Chinese overseas ports to restrict the PLA's force projection capabilities. 
  • The US must acknowledge the limitations of a dominance strategy against China and its relative advantage. An underdog strategy could be more effective in a Taiwan contingency.