作者/Author(s): Gil Barndollar and David Plaster
網站來源/Source: Foreign Policy
日期/Date: 11/29/2024
關鍵字/Keywords: 國防、後勤、醫療
- 烏克蘭現有的醫療人員大部分是志願者,他們冒著生命危險,在戰區內救治傷患,協助撤離平民和士兵。
- 烏克蘭的戰鬥醫護人員致力於減少傷亡,但他們的人數和訓練不足,只能提供必要的治療。
- 各旅的戰鬥醫療人員組成不盡相同。許多旅長開始抱怨,他們需要更多專業醫療人員。
- 烏克蘭無法有效動員戰地醫護人員,原因在於政府不願系統性地動員。目前烏克蘭主要依賴國內和國際志願者,但這並非長久之計。
- 雖然烏克蘭是著名的外國醫學生訓練中心,但卻面臨醫生嚴重短缺和人才流失的問題。
- 烏克蘭軍隊接收不少醫學院畢業生,但他們缺乏實踐經驗。
- 儘管烏克蘭的醫療人才短缺,培訓也不足,但烏國醫療水平仍優於俄羅斯。
- 烏克蘭開發新型救治方法,儘可能地挽救生命,因此傷亡率比俄羅斯低。
- 俄羅斯的醫療問題更為嚴重。大多數受傷的士兵被遺棄在前線,無人救治。
- 然而,烏克蘭的人口規模比俄羅斯小很多,動員能力大幅受限。許多士兵年齡偏大或有永久性傷害,戰鬥能力不足。
- 快速且一流的醫療照護,可保存戰力並提升前線士兵士氣。雖然烏克蘭在前線的醫療後勤比過去好,但缺乏受過訓練的醫療人員仍是一大問題。
- 隨著戰爭變得更加艱困,烏克蘭必須做出抉擇,例如討論是否需要降低軍事動員的最低年齡標準。
Frontline medical care is of the utmost importance in a war. As the Russo-Ukraine War drags on, Ukraine faces an issue with mobilizing combat medics.
- Most Ukrainian medical personnel are volunteers, risking their lives to treat and evacuate civilians and soldiers in the warzone.
- Ukraine's combat medics gave an applaudable effort in reducing its casualties, but their numbers and training are insufficient, limiting their function to provide essential treatments only.
- The composition of combat medics varies across brigades. Most brigade chiefs complained about the need for more professional medical personnel.
- Ukraine's inability to mobilize combat medics stems from the government's reluctance to mobilize medical personnel systematically. Consequently, Ukraine now relies primarily on domestic and foreign volunteers, which is unsustainable.
- Although Ukraine is a famous training hub for foreign medical students, it faces a severe shortage of doctors and brain drain.
- The Ukrainian Army receives medical school graduates but lacks practical experience.
- Despite the shortage and inadequate training, Ukraine's medical care is still better than Russia's.
- Ukraine developed novel methods to save as many lives as possible, reducing its casualty rate compared to Russia.
- Russia has a worse medical personnel capacity problem. Most wounded soldiers were left to die on the front line.
- However, Ukraine's population is smaller than Russia's, hampering mobilization efforts. Most soldiers are old or suffering from permanent injuries, limiting their combat ability.
- Rapid and first-rate medical care saves lives and boosts soldiers' morale. Although Ukraine's medical logistics in the frontline are better than in the past, the lack of trained medical personnel is still a concern.
- As the war becomes more challenging to fight, Ukraine must make difficult decisions and review the need to reduce the minimum age for military mobilization.