作者/Author(s): Maria Shagina
網站來源/Source: Foreign Policy
關鍵字/Keywords: 經濟、制裁、治外法權
- 域外制裁的合法性極具爭議,可能損害外交關係。
- 當俄羅斯成功繞過西方制裁,有效獲取軍事和軍民兩用技術的情況下,歐盟正在考慮懲罰為俄羅斯當中介的第三方西方公司。
- 歐盟的新措施包括將母公司及子公司的貨物,利用中亞和南高加索的主要轉運樞紐中心重新運輸。此舉顯示歐盟對治外法權的使用偏好增加。
- 在2022年歐盟對俄羅斯的制裁後,歐洲對這些地區的貿易激增,人們認為這些貨物最後流進了俄羅斯手裡。
- 此外,中間公司可以使用不明的轉運管道,讓各國追蹤貨物的過程變得更複雜,也能適當否認其作為第三方公司的行為。
- 歐盟的新制裁禁止與第三方合作夥伴交易後,將關鍵物品再出口至俄羅斯。西方公司有責任進行盡職調查,確保其公司及子公司遵守歐盟的限制。
- 歐盟也統一了成員國違反制裁的規則。
The US use of economic sanctions irked enemies and allies alike, especially secondary sanctions that harm companies in friendly countries. However, the European Union and Great Britain are considering implementing sanctions with extraterritorial effects to increase pressure on Russia.
- Extraterritorial sanctions are controversial because their legality is disputed and may harm diplomatic ties.
- Amid Russia's success in circumventing Western sanctions, especially in procuring military and dual-use technologies, the EU is considering punishing Western firms acting as intermediaries for Russia in third countries.
- The EU's new measures include the reshipment of goods produced by the parent company and its subsidiaries through key transit hubs in Central Asia and the South Caucasus, indicating a new preference for extraterritoriality.
- After discovering European trade to these areas skyrocketed after EU sanctions on Russia in 2022, it is assumed that these goods eventually end up in Russia.
- Moreover, the intermediaries could use obscure transit channels to complicate tracing and deny their actions.
- The EU's new sanctions prohibit the reexport of critical items to Russia when trading with third-party partners. Western companies are responsible for due diligence in ensuring their companies and subsidiaries adhere to the EU restrictions.
- The EU also harmonized rules for violating the sanctions across all member states.
- Great Britain also expanded its sanctions regime by targeting foreign financial institutions facilitating transactions with Russian strategic sectors, which the EU is also considering. The financial sanctions limit the institution's ability to use the British Pound and the Euro.
- Although the EU and Britain reject the claim of secondary sanctions, they clearly have extraterritorial effects like the US's sanctions playbook. It also opposes the EU's rejection of the US's extraterritorial sanctions policies, as in the case of the reimposition of Iran sanctions.
- However, the new measures face challenges.
- The extraterritoriality divides EU members. Some countries oppose the measures to protect their national interests.
- Adding new sanctions amid a paralyzed UNSC further fragments the international sanctions framework.
- Firms face due diligence challenges when navigating between adhering to sanctions or complying with conflicting regulations.
- The EU and Britain may not actively enforce the sanctions, interpreting the "best effort" clause based on their own interests.