作者/Author(s): Ketiain Vivian Zhang
網站來源/Source: Texas National Security Review Vol. 7, Iss. 3
日期/Date: 2024/夏
關鍵字/Keywords: 制裁、經濟、政治訊號
The Considerations
- 中國通制進出口、在口岸徵收額外費用或利用海關不必要的延誤和檢查來實施制裁,這違反了1947年《關稅暨貿易總協定》的規範,除非它們高度符合基本國家安全利益條款。
- 中國學者和政策制定者認為經濟制裁是非常有效的訊號和嚇阻工具,可以保護中國的國家利益。然而,他們也警告制裁會為中國帶來\潛在成本,政府需謹慎施加制裁,避免違反法律框架和世界貿易組織的規則。
- 中國政府深知實施制裁的制約困難,尤其是將貿易禁令與 「基本的國家安全威脅」聯繫起來的困難,因此他們故意模糊制裁理由,旨在否認任何國家指控中國違反世貿組織規則的可能性。
- 中國在成為美國出口管制的受害者之後,更加清楚過度使用和濫用制裁會招致貿易夥伴的報復。
- 總之,中國政府了解世貿規則,也知道在什麼情況下可以明確利用國家安全例外來實施制裁。
As China's economic power grows, the Beijing government uses sanctions as an instrument of economic statecraft to punish foreign governments that go against its wishes. In some instances, China threatened to sanction but did not implement it in the end. China's way of executing sanctions differs from the West. While the US, EU, and Russia must go through federal legislation and processes before implementing sanctions, China's economic sanctions are comparatively vague and explicit, i.e., China rarely threatens sanctions, it just enforces them. Therefore, it is important to explore the situations when China threatens sanctions but does not follow through and when China executes sanctions without any warning.
The Considerations
- China implements sanctions by restricting imports and exports, imposing extra charges at port entries, or causing unnecessary delays and inspections at customs, which violates the GATT 1947 articles unless they meet the highly specific essential national security interest clause.
- Chinese scholars and policymakers view economic sanctions as effective signaling and coercion tools to protect China's national interests. However, Chinese scholars warned about the potential costs of imposing sanctions, thereby advising the government to impose sanctions carefully to avoid violating legal frameworks, especially WTO rules.
- The Chinese government understood the difficulties in the constraints of implementing sanctions, especially in linking trade bans with "essential national security threats." Therefore, the vagueness of the reasons for sanctions is deliberate to help China deny any accusation of violating WTO rules.
- China is also clear that overuses and abuses of sanctions would invoke retaliation from its trade partners, especially after becoming a victim of the US export controls.
- In sum, the Chinese government is aware of the WTO rules and the conditions where it can explicitly use the national security exception to impose sanctions.