作者/Author(s): Rajan Menon 

網站來源/Source: Foreign Policy 

日期/Date: 06/03/2024 

關鍵字/Keywords: 和平談判、外交 



  • 支持俄烏和平談判的人認為烏克蘭無法取得完全勝利,而且目前也沒有可信的談判發起者。澤倫斯基想收復克里米亞,因此他高機率不會接受普丁提出的任何妥協條件。 
  • 雖然烏克蘭人不相信俄羅斯會永遠遵守和平條件,但他們已經對戰爭日益厭倦,希望通過和平談判結束戰事 
  • 戰爭到現在早已證明那些認為俄羅斯會取得完全勝利的人是錯誤的。不可否認烏克蘭在某些方面舉步維艱,但他們確實也給俄羅斯造成重大損失。 
  • 烏克蘭與俄羅斯談判的時機尚未成熟,他們可能會利用西方最新的軍事援助奪回更多領土。此外普丁仍持續增加俄羅斯軍費開支,堅持要征服烏克蘭,因此看不出來俄烏之間和平的跡象。 
  • 俄烏戰爭可能有三種結局:  
  1. 烏克蘭和西方國家無力再戰,普丁在吞併更多領土後對烏克蘭實施懲罰性和平
  2. 俄羅斯和烏克蘭在失去現有戰果且無法繼續推進後,透過談判達成政治解決方案,條件是烏克蘭可以加入歐盟和北約,但不能有北約基地或外國軍隊駐紮
  3. 雙方陷入無法打破的僵局,但普丁可以迫使烏克蘭保持中立,兒烏克蘭可以堅持武裝中立,允許軍隊在西方國家訓練,採購西方武器,並保持在俄羅斯勢力範圍之外
  • 無論上述哪種情景,烏克蘭都必須通過阻止俄羅斯的進攻、發動反攻和收復更多領土來增強其談判能力。然而,在俄羅斯和烏克蘭都還需要時間才能啟動和平談判。 
Ukraine got a boost in military aid, allowing it to fight for another one-and-a-half years. Given the uncertainty of the US elections and the success of Ukraine's counteroffensive, Ukraine must negotiate a settlement with Russia before the end of the Western aid. Although the negotiation may lead to a partition of land, Ukraine must do it from a position of strength. In short, it is not the time for Ukraine to negotiate peace with Russia yet. 
  • Proponents of peace talks between Ukraine and Russia believe Ukraine could not achieve a complete victory. Further, there is no credible initiator for the negotiations currently. It is also unlikely Zelensky would accept any compromises with Putin, especially with his aim of reclaiming Crimea.  
  • Although Ukrainians do not believe Russia would adhere to a perpetual settlement, they are growing weary of the war and hope for a peace negotiation to end the war. 
  • Those who believe Russia will attain complete victory have been proven wrong in many instances since the beginning of the war until now. Although it is undeniable Ukraine is struggling in some areas, they manage to incur heavy losses on Russia. 
  • The time is not ripe for Ukraine to negotiate with Russia yet as Ukraine may reclaim more territories with the newest Western military aid. There is no indication that Putin wants to make peace as he ramped up Russia's military spending and insisted on subduing Ukraine. 
  • There will be three possible scenarios of how the Russo-Ukraine War would end: 
  1. Putin imposes punitive peace on Ukraine after annexing more territories, while Ukraine and the West became exhausted from the war. 
  2. Russia and Ukraine would negotiate for a political settlement after Russia lost its current gains and could not advance anymore, with the condition that Ukraine can join the EU and NATO but cannot have NATO bases or the presence of foreign troops 
  3. Both sides entered a stalemate that could not be broken, but Putin could force Ukraine to maintain neutrality. Ukraine could insist on armed neutrality, allowing its troops to train in Western countries, procuring Western weaponry, and remaining outside Russia's sphere of influence. 
  • Regardless of the above scenarios, Ukraine must boost its bargaining power by stopping Russia's advances, mounting its counteroffensive, and regaining more territories. However, it requires time before Russia and Ukraine could initiate any peace settlements.