作者/Author(s): April A. Herlevi and Brioan Waidelich
網站來源/Source: War on the Rocks
日期/Date: 05/08/2024
關鍵字/Keywords: 地緣政治、海洋
- 東海和南海地理位置相似,對於海上運輸至關重要。此外,它們都位於中國大陸和第一島鏈之間。
- 這些海域擁有豐富的魚類和化石燃料,可以支持近鄰國家的經濟增長和糧食安全。
- 隨著各方更加堅定地主張其海權,東海與南海的軍事化程度持續提高。
- 中國認為東海和南海都是其領海,中國有權對其進行控制,因此他們不顧其他聲索國的抗議,訴諸法律和軍事手段以實現目標。
- 為了維護對這些海域的法律控制權和管轄權,中國修訂了國內法,甚至讓國內法凌駕於已經批准的「聯合國海洋法公約」,重新定義國際海事法中的主權概念,並反對常設仲裁法院 2016 作出的不利中國裁決。
- 這些海域是中國海上力量在安全、貿易和運輸方面的重要通道。中國利用其武裝力量強化主權主張,同時持續促進解放軍現代化、恐嚇小國、對敵對勢力實施危險攔截演習,阻止外國軍事干預。
China considers the East and South China Seas as its "near seas" and is determined to assert authority over these areas as one unified maritime periphery. The maritime features of these seas were small, but their economic and security stakes were large. Countries involved in maritime territorial disputes with China have their unique approach in rejecting China's claim of "one sea" and asserting their rights.
Similarities of the East and South China Seas
Similarities of the East and South China Seas
- The two seas have similar geographies and are critical in maritime shipping. Further, they were confined between mainland China and the first island chain.
- These seas have plentiful of fishes and fossil fuels that could support the economic growth and food security of proximity countries.
- The seas also experience increasing militarization as interested parties are more assertive in enforcing their maritime claims.
"One China Sea"
- China regards both seas as its territorial sea and has the right to control them. China resorted to legal and military means to achieve its objectives despite protests from other claimants.
- To assert its legal control and jurisdiction over the seas, China revised its domestic laws, prioritized domestic law over the UNCLOS despite ratifying the convention, redefined the terminology of sovereign rights in international maritime law, or rebutted the 2016 ruling of the Permanent Court of Arbitration that disfavored China.
- These seas represent critical access to China's maritime power in terms of security, trade, and transport. China employed its armed forces to enforce sovereignty claims and deter foreign military intervention by modernizing the PLA, intimidating smaller powers, and operating dangerous intercept maneuvers against opposing forces.