作者/Author(s): Denny Roy
網站來源/Source: The Interpreter
日期/Date: 04/17/2024
關鍵字/Keywords: 兩岸關係
- 雖然中國持續擴大解放軍現代化,但這還是不代表它們能夠入侵成功。此外,美國及其盟友可能會支持台灣抵抗中國。對習近平來說,入侵台灣是一把雙面刃,有可能會破壞區域經濟,危及中國民眾的生計。
- 中國可以封鎖台灣港口,但台灣也會進行報復,加劇全球反中情緒。美國也將對中國實施經濟制裁,並幫台灣打破封鎖。
- 除了統一台灣,習近平還有其他野心,要在中國歷史上留下一筆:
- 恢復中共在中國的主導地位和權威。
- 清除中國的「西方」意識形態和價值觀。
- 帶領中國從中等收入國家轉型為高收入國家。
- 與西方的預測不同,中國的經濟大蕭條減弱了民眾對兩岸統一的熱情。因此,政府在外交政策上更加謹慎,以降低緊張局勢並吸引投資者。
- 習近平實踐和宣揚的政策與先前的領導人有相似之處,他們沒有明確的時間表,也不希望使用武力來實現台灣的統一。
- 習近平目前的策略是遏制台灣獨立,迫使世界堅持「一個中國」原則,並向台灣施壓促使雙方談判。
The US anticipates a war over Taiwan against China soon because American experts assume Xi has grown impatient and feels a forced reunification is the best option. Some experts predict China will launch a diversionary war to conceal its economic problems. Although we cannot read Xi's mind clearly, a war over Taiwan is hardly an attractive suggestion for his government.
- Although China expanded and modernized the PLA, it may not have the superiority that could ensure a successful invasion. Further, it is likely the US and its allies will support Taiwan to resist China. An invasion is also a double-edged sword for Xi because it would disrupt the regional economic economy, endangering the livelihood of Chinese civilians.
- China can launch a blockade on Taiwanese ports, but Taiwan will retaliate and fuel global anti-China sentiments. The US would also launch economic sanctions against China while helping Taiwan to break the blockade.
- Xi has other ambitions apart from reunifying Taiwan to have a legacy in Chinese history:
- Restore the primacy and authority of the CCP in China.
- Clear China from "Western" ideologies and values.
- Transform China's economy from a middle-income to a high-income country.
- In contrast to Western predictions, the Chinese economic depression diminished the public's enthusiasm for a Taiwan campaign. Consequently, the government is more careful in its foreign policy to lower tensions and attract investors.
- What Xi practices and preaches is similar to his predecessors. Xi did not have a definite timeline, nor did he hope to use force for Taiwan's unification.
- Xi's current policies are to deter Taiwanese independence, compel the world to adhere to the "One China" principle, and pressure Taiwan to negotiate with Beijing.