WSJ: 習近平為中國的改革時代劃上句點。

作者/Author(s): Lingling Wei
原文來源/Source: The Wall Street Journal
日期/Date: 03/12/023
主題/Key Topics : Economic, Chinese Communist Party, Ideology
- 鄧小平把中國的經濟增長放在首位,並成功地把中國變成了一個經濟超級大國。他把中共的意識形態執念放在一邊,分散了黨和政府的控制權,並給予私營公司更高的自由。
- 習近平通過鞏固他對黨、政府和私營部門的影響,扭轉了鄧小平的大部分遺產。習近平還將黨的意識形態和控制置於一切之上,減少了中國國務院總理的權力。
- 習近平認為鄧小平對黨和政府進行分離的做法是多餘和無效的。因此,習近平關閉了一些政府機構,或將它們納入中國共產黨的官僚體系。
- 全球關注的是習近平的權力集中化是否會重蹈毛澤東的大躍進之覆轍。
- 與毛澤東一樣,習近平更願意讓黨派忠實分子,而不是技術官僚來管理政府。
- 習近平仍然希望推動經濟增長和改善對外關係。然而,由於經濟增長受阻,習近平試圖透過強化中國共產黨的合法性來安撫人民,使其免受西方的威脅。
- 習近平集中權力以維持政策的一致性,防止派系鬥爭和腐敗。然而,他對忠誠和緊縮的強調迫使許多官員離開政府或避免承擔責任。
- 雖然習近平接受了鄧小平政策的成功,但2015年股市崩盤使他對市場力量產生了疑慮。因此,他增加了黨對中國私營企業的控制,逆轉了市場經濟的原則。
- 習近平希望推廣「中國發展模式」,而不是模仿西方式的資本主義。
- 習近平對黨的意識形態之痴迷超過了經濟增長,從最近美國擊落了一個疑似中國間諜氣球的事件就看得很明顯。
- 為了報復美國的行動,習近平痛斥美國領導的企圖打壓中國,並威脅中國將與美國脫鉤。
- 在江澤民時期,對美國轟炸中國駐南聯大使館時,中國沒有過多責備美國,而是專注於經濟發展。作為一個橄欖枝,美國為中國加入世貿組織鋪平了道路。
Xi Jinping's consolidation of his third five-year term as the Chinese president ended Deng Xiaoping's reform-and-opening era. The global concern is whether ending Deng's legacies will halt Chinese economic growth.
- Deng prioritized Chinese economic growth and succeeded in turning China into an economic superpower. He put CCP's ideological obsession aside, decentralized the party and government control, and gave private companies higher freedom.
- Xi Jinping reversed most of Deng's legacies by consolidating his influence over the party, government, and private sector. Xi also put party ideology and control above all else, rendering the Chinese premier (head of government) less powerful.
- Xi considers Deng's separation of the party and government redundant and ineffective. Thus Xi closed some government agencies or incorporated them into the CCP bureaucracy.
- The world worries that Xi's centralization of power will result in Mao Zedong's disastrous Great Leap Forward.
- Similar to Mao, Xi favored party loyalists over qualified technocrats to run the government.
- Xi still wants economic growth and better foreign relations. However, with stunted growth, Xi seeks to appease his people from perceived Western threats by fortifying CCP's legitimacy.
- Xi consolidates power to maintain policy consistency, prevent factional competition, and avert corruption. However, his emphasis on loyalty and austerity forces many officials to leave the government or avoid taking responsibility.
- Although Xi embraced the success of Deng's policies, the 2015 stock-market crash made him doubt market forces. Thus, he increased the party's control over private companies in China, reversing the principles of a market-oriented economy.
- Xi hopes to promote the "Chinese development model" rather than copying Western-style capitalism.
- Xi's obsession with party ideology over economic growth is obvious with the recent US shooting down of a suspected Chinese spy balloon.
- As retaliation for US's action, Xi snapped at US-led attempts to suppress China and threatened to decouple it from the US.
- When the US accidentally bombed the Chinese embassy in Belgrade during Jiang Zemin's time, China did not chastise the US much and focused on economic development. As an olive branch, the US paved the way for China to join the WTO.