
作者/Author(s): Barbara Moens and Stuart Lau
原文來源/Source: Politico
日期/Date: 11/15/2022
主題/Key Topics: Belt and Road, Development, Foreign Policy
在峇里島舉行的 G20 峰會期間,歐盟和美國承諾以 6000 億美元的「全球基礎設施和投資夥伴關係」(Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment, PGII) 和「重建更好世界」(Build Back Better World, B3W)倡議的藍圖超越中國的「一帶一路」倡議。但是,西方能否真正與中國抗衡,還是一個問題。中國已經通過實際建設項目將「一帶一路」倡議具體化,但西方尚未提供或實施任何具體項目。
- 北京可以引導國有企業體現其全球戰略。相比之下,西方政府不能強迫私營公司為他們的政策提供服務。
- 北京具有先發優勢,可以在品質可疑的情況下仍快速實現大型項目。另一方面,西方在他們的計劃中非常詳細,因此有很長的時間限制,但確保他們為他們的項目提供質量保證。
- 雖然西方一些國家批評中國通過經濟上不可持續的聯合項目將發展中國家拖入債務陷阱,以對中國進行反擊,但他們在這些發展中國家的存在感並不高。
- 由於發展或戰略利益的優先順序不同,西方將難以挑戰中國。
During the G20 summit in Bali, the E.U. and the U.S. pledged to outmatch China’s Belt and Road Initiative with a $600 billion blueprint with “Partnership for Global Infrastructure” (PGII) and “Build Back Better World” initiatives, respectively. However, the whether the West can earnestly contend with China is still a question. China had materialized the BRI with real construction projects, but the West has yet to offer or implement any concrete projects.
Obstacles to the West
Obstacles to the West
- Beijing can direct state-owned enterprises to manifest its global strategy. In contrast, the West’s government cannot force private companies to facilitate their initiatives.
- Beijing has the first-mover advantage and can materialize large projects quickly despite the dubious quality. On the other hand, the West is very detailed in their plans, therefore, has a long timeframe but ensures they offer quality assurance for their projects.
- However, some countries criticized China for drawing developing countries into a debt trap through economically unsustainable joint projects. Although the West seeks to use this drawback as a counterattack, they do not have much presence in these countries.
- The West will find it difficult to challenge China due to different prioritization between development or strategic interests.