CSIS: 俄烏危機對美國印太政策的影響
作者/Author(s): Bonny Li
原文來源/Source: 戰略與國際研究中心 Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
日期/Date: 05/19/2022
主題/Key Topics: Grand Strategy, Military
- 在印太地區維持全面的軍事力量與威懾手段。
- 加強美國與歐洲和印太地區盟友的關係。
- 在世界關注烏克蘭的同時,加強台灣的自衛能力、韌性和國際地位。
- 讓中國嘗試對調解的結果負責,並對中國提出的提案中,有利於俄羅斯的部分保持警惕。
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine provides an admonition to China to understand the flaws in Russia’s operations and the responses from the West to analyze the implications of invading Taiwan. The US needs to prepare itself against any China’s aggression as well.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine provides an admonition to China to understand the flaws in Russia’s operations and the responses from the West to analyze the implications of invading Taiwan. The US needs to prepare itself against any China’s aggression as well.
What the US can do:
- Maintain a full range of US military and deterrence options in the Indo-Pacific region.
- Beef up relations with key US allies in Europe and Indo-Pacific.
- Strengthen Taiwan's self-defense capability, resilience, and international standing while the world focuses on Ukraine.
- Hold China accountable for any mediation attempts and be vigilant of Chinese proposals that favor Russia.