FP: 如何用烏克蘭事件給北京上一課
作者/Author(s): Robert C. O'Brien (with Alex Gray and Allison Hooker)
網站來源/Source: 《外交政策》 Foreign Policy
日期/Date: 09/01/2022
主題/Key Topic: Grand Strategy, Defense, Economic
- 烏克蘭證明,一個較小的國家只要有足夠的物資和毅力,就能打亂一個較大國家的野心。
- 台灣可以通過部署許多小型和廉價武器來改進其防禦系統,以在台灣海峽或岸上阻止解放軍。
- 台灣可以組織「射擊俱樂部」來提高軍事後備力量的戰鬥力。
- 習近平應該對俄羅斯軍隊在聯合行動中的無能感到驚訝,尤其是俄羅斯在戰爭方面更有經驗。
- 距離中國上一次發生軍事衝突是在1979年,在那之後都是由俄羅斯通過聯合演習幫助訓練解放軍進行戰鬥。
- 習近平需要重新評估俄羅斯的軍事學說、戰術和武器是否適合解放軍。
- 中國和俄羅斯沒有想到,烏克蘭的入侵使北約聯合起來,甚至帶動了瑞典和芬蘭的崛起,形成了一個更大的敵人。
- 中國應該擔心的是,入侵台灣會使地區內其他國家聯合起來反對它,而不是削弱美國在亞洲的影響力。
- 四邊安全對話(Quadrilateral Security Dialogue,簡稱QSD,也稱作QUAD)(https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/03/12/quad-leaders-joint-statement-the-spirit-of-the-quad/)間的關係越來越緊密,也吸引了其他國家的興趣,如果中國入侵台灣,這樣的趨勢中國來說可能是災難性的。
- 雖然擔心二級制裁對中國子公司的影響,但中國還是低估了西方的制裁。
- 如果西方制裁的設計特別針對俄羅斯的天然氣和石油交易,中國將感到困擾及不安。
- 儘管中國一直在加快推行自力更生的政策,但其仍然還沒有準備好與西方脫鉤。因此,制裁仍然可以威脅到中國。
- 西方應該對俄羅斯中央銀行進行全面制裁,並將俄羅斯從 SWIFT 中除名,以取消普京的軍隊資金並達到警告習近平的效果。
China is ramping up its activities in the Taiwan Strait while observing the situation in Ukraine to learn from Russia’s misfortune. China needs to monitor four aspects of the Ukrainian Crisis closely:
Targeted state’s resilience:
Targeted state’s resilience:
- Ukraine proved that a smaller state could upset a larger state’s ambition with adequate supplies and perseverance.
- Taiwan can improve its defense systems by deploying many small and cheap weapons to stop PLA in the Taiwan Strait or on shore. *
- Taiwan can organize “shooting clubs” to improve the military reserve’s fighting ability.
Invading forces’ ability:
- Xi should be surprised by the incompetence of the Russian military in joint operations, especially when Russia was more experienced in war.
- China’s last military conflict was in 1979, and Russia has helped to train the PLA for combat through joint exercises since then.
- Xi needs to re-evaluate whether Russia’s military doctrine, tactics, and weapons suit the PLA.
Regional states’ reaction:
- China and Russia did not expect the Ukraine invasion unites NATO and even drove the ascension of Sweden and Finland, creating a larger enemy rather than a crack.
- China should be worried that an invasion of Taiwan will unite regional states against it rather than diminish US’s influence in Asia.
- The QUAD is bonding closer and attracting the interest of other countries, which is potentially disastrous for China if it invades Taiwan.
The magnitude of sanctions:
- China understated the Western sanctions despite concerns about secondary sanctions’ effect on Chinese subsidiaries.
- China will be troubled if Western sanctions target Russia’s gas and oil deals.
- China is not ready to decouple from the West despite implementing self-reliance policies. Therefore sanctions can still threaten China.
- The West should proceed with a full sanction on Russia’s Central Bank and remove Russia from SWIFT to defund Putin’s military and warn Xi Jinping.
* e.g., Naval Strike Missile mounted on Joint Light Tactical Vehicle, Quickstrike sea-mine or other advanced sea-mines, Javelin anti-tank missiles, Stinger anti-air missiles, and Anduril anvil anti-drone defense system