CSIS: 與盟友們消除在中國問題上的分歧
作者/Author(s): Scott Kennedy
原文來源/Source: CSIS
日期/Date: 05/19/2022
主題/Key Topics: Economic
- 在與中國發生經濟和技術脫鉤的情況下,與盟友探討成本和搬遷替代方案。
- 明確定義技術供應鏈的彈性,遠離中國或減少對中國的國家安全利益的依賴。
- 提高印太經濟架構(IPEF)的吸引力,為支持它的人提供非商業利益,並申明IPEF不會取代CPTPP或與其競爭,以建立信任並抑制中國的野心。
The US needs to address three concerns in economic strategy against China with its Korean and Japanese counterparts:
- Explore the costs and relocation alternatives with its allies in case an economic and technology decoupling with China happens.
- Clearly define technology supply-chain resilience, from relocating far away from China or relying less on China for national security interests.
- Raise the attractiveness of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) and offer non-commercial benefits for those who support it and affirm that IPEF will not replace or compete with CPTPP to build trust and dampen Chinese ambitions.